For something different, head to the Grand Opera House for a cultural show that might be unlike anything you’ve seen before. At 8 p.m. on April 1, lllstyle & Peace will take the stage to showcase a broad array of talents.
The creator of this dance troupe has toured with names like LL Cool J, Will Smith, Boyz II Men, the Beach Boys and more. The performers are talented artists who combine contemporary West African dance with old-school Hip Hop from back in the day, as well as more modern tap and ballet. It’s pretty much guaranteed you’ve never seen a combo like this before. Head to their website for a promo preview that will give you a sneak peek at what they have in store for the performance.
Tickets can be purchased online starting at $17 and go up to $23 depending on how close you’d like to be to the stage. Acoustics are fantastic in Copeland Hall, so you won’t be disappointed with any seats.