For years, ResideBPG has partnered with Ellis Partners in Management Solutions to conduct our resident satisfaction surveys. Ellis also organizes regular mystery shops of our apartment communities to ensure our associates are performing at their best at all times. They analyze our performance based on 10 key Benchmark and Customer Experience questions. Companies can qualify for platinum, gold, silver, or bronze level based on their company’s overall Benchmark score for the quarter.
Last quarter, the Ellis National Average on the Traditional Multifamily Industry Benchmark was 85%, and ResideBPG associates received a 100% average ranking in the platinum category! ResideBPG also scored above average in the Ellis Customer Experience Benchmark with a 4.2 compared to a 3.6 national average.
The Ellis Loyalty Benchmark identifies and recognizes the customer experience performance of companies subscribed to the Ellis Resident Surveys Program. It evaluates performance on 5 key touchpoints of the prospect and resident journey. ResideBPG continued to outperform other property management companies with an overall loyalty score of 81%, compared to the national average of 75%.
Because of the outstanding performance by our on-site teams in the 4th Quater of 2019, ResideBPG was recognized as an Ellis Best in Class Achiever. ResideBPG strives to exceed the expectations of residents, fellow associates, and the community 365 days a year. We are so proud to see their efforts recognized by Ellis. Please join us in congratulating our team for this well-deserved recognition!